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School Lunch

School Lunch

We emphaise to our children the importance of a healthy, balanced diet. On Fridays we serve fish and vegetables in accordance with our Faith.

Our healthy and nutritious lunches are provided by ISS Facility Services. Meals are cooked using fresh ingredients on our school site by our experienced Catering Team. There is always a choice of main course (including vegetarian), vegetables, salads and a dessert.

The catering company have created a YouTube video to show safety steps they have made within their kitchens please see link below

Please let us know if your child has a special diet for medical reasons or any allergies. 

Due to Mayor of London's new initiative, from September 2023 all children are entitled to a free school meal.

If you think your child qualifies for benefitted related free school, it is still important that you complete the application form for this, as your child may be eligible for extra funding for the school. Please contact the school office via for further information.


Parents need to bring in a healthy packed lunch for their child. Some healthy choices we suggest are:

  • A good portion of starchy food, e.g. wholegrain roll, savoury roll, sandwich, tortilla wrap,   chapatti, pitta bread, crackers, pasta or rice salad
  • A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative, e.g. chicken, ham, beef, tuna, egg, beans or hummus
  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables, e.g. an apple, banana, Satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, or a small tub of fruit salad or grapes but to be cut up please
  • A portion of dairy food, e.g. cheese strings/triangles, Babybels, yoghurt or fromage frais
  • A drink, e.g. milk, fruit juice (not fruit shoots), yoghurt drink or bottle of water (no fizzy drinks) 

As we are a healthy eating school we have never allowed pupils to bring in crisps, chocolate barscookies, cakes, breakfast cereal bars or sweets.  Unfortunately, we are seeing these items being brought into school.

We have children who have nut allergies and, therefore, products such as CHOCOLATE SPREAD/NUTELLA or PEANUT BUTTER are prohibited as these products contain nuts.

We will be monitoring children’s packed lunches. 

Like you, we at Blessed Dominic want our children to establish healthy eating choices from a young age and therefore appreciate your support in fully implementing this policy.